LG Premium Wood Pellets

Granules de bois Premium

Granules de bois Premium

Assurant un rendement énergétique élevé et constant, les Granules de bois LG Premium constituent une solution efficace et écoresponsable pour votre chauffage. Vous désirez connaître les disponibilités chez votre détaillant le plus proche?


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Usage benefits

With easy-to-store compact size, LG Premium Wood Pellets offer a great energy efficiency as well as a stand-alone heating. Sold in pallets of 50 or 75 bags or in bulk, the pellets remain an easy-to-use solution.

Environmental Impacts

FSC-accredited, LG Premium Wood Pellets are an environmentally friendly product offering a carbon-neutral energy source. On top of being additive-free, the bag is 100% recyclable.